Activiti Workflow Engine: Java API Introduction

In the previous post we integrated Activiti Workflow Engine in a Java application, in this one we will introduce Activiti’s Java API. Activiti export API to manage different aspect of the engine from process deployment and management to task and users management.

We will start by introducing the services offered by the API, then we will guide you through to most used ones.

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Integrate Activiti Workflow Engine in Java Application

Business process digitization, is one of the toughest challenges faced by developers and architect. The processes are sophisticated and difficult to manage which make them hard to maintain. One good solution is to use a workflow engine.

This tutorial is a step by step guide to integrate Activiti workflow engine in java application.

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Law Of Demeter

The Law of Demeter (LoD) in a design principle, presented in Northeastern University at the end of 1987. The LoD aims to reduce coupling between classes, it says, “a module should not know about the innards of the objects it manipulates” (Robert C. Martin, The Clean Coder). The philosophy around LoD, is avoid getting deep in objects details and inner’s structure so we scale down the dependencies level.

The LoD projection on Object-oriented Programming, says if we have a class C and a function f, then f Continue reading →